Saturday, April 21, 2012

Tenacious Techniques #3

  A few weeks ago I had the chance to go spend time with the good ol' parents. We went to dinner as usual, since I don't get to see them all that often. Afterwards, my dad allowed me to use his airbrush kit to paint some (or most) of my troll heavy warbeasts. Ever since that first time I used it, I have always wanted to get my own, but lack the space in our apartment to store it.
  As I painted, I realized how little paint I needed to use to cover all of my warbeasts. It was frickin' awesome! I base coated my Mulg, both Earthborns, regular Mauler, and bomber, with half the amount of paint I use to paint half of those models.

  Today I am going to go over how to take care of your airbrush kit first, and then go over some exercises to practice your technique on the airbrush.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Sid's Shenanigans - 04/08/2012

  State of the Painter 
Address (Sort of)...
  This past week was a "Spring Break" of sorts for me at work, since I work for a High School. My initial thought was, "Oh sweet! Now I have tons of time for painting!" Sadly, this was not the case, as events, broken cars, and other things seem to creep in on my extra time. 

  I did, however, find some time to paint and prep my models and finish some projects I was working on. My progress has been slowed on the Borka Family Reunion tier list, because of other painting obligations took priority.